Blue Monday in Missouri

Monday is our favorite day here at Clever Creek Studio; at least that is what we keep telling ourselves. It is a fresh start to the week, and new opportunities lie ahead. Monday means there is enough time left in the week to get things checked off the task list.  Our current “to-dos” include finishing up some stunning family portraits shot over the weekend, and prepping for some upcoming weddings and events we have been asked to cover for some very special clients.

We look at Blue Monday as a chance to keep our cool.

May this Blue Monday bring you cool and endless possibilities.


As in nature; when two seemingly opposite entities work together, things generally turn out beautifully.  Had to photograph this butterfly visiting the feathery shrub.  Such a delicate contrast between the two.

Blue Monday to You (Really, it is a good thing!)

 What a fun backdrop for portraits! 

In certain cultures, blue doors are said to ward off evil spirits.  Others paint their doors to evoke the beautiful blue sky, cool ocean breezes and calming waters. In others, the color blue repels mosquitoes.  In some cultures it is believed that mosquitoes ARE evil spirits.  Let this image keep you free from evil mosquitoes and take you to the beautiful ocean shore, if only in your mind.


Life Isn’t Always So Black and White

There are images that resonate better with only hints of color.  Like this clapper of the bell found in front of the Boone County Courthouse.

Or the shy pansy hiding between the buildings on Broadway Street.

Life, with its subtle tints and hints of color…

sometimes translates best in black and white.

When we are children, life can seem simple in black and white.

Black and white images help us remember. And remind us to never forget.

The stark beauty of a moment in time.