Grape Expectations

The potential is enormous

when you have a hillside room with a view…

of Canadaigua Lake.

Follow us on Twitter @clevercreek.

Magic Monday through Rose-Colored Glasses

Every Monday, we struggle a little in adopting the proper attitude to energize and set the tone for the week.  One side pulls for energetic optimism while the other side clearly indicates the need for a catnap. Mondays are like budding plants, full of possibility and potential beauty.

In our experience, it has been much more difficult to dread the week ahead.  Monday is most often the day we spend the morning getting caught up in the studio and the afternoon/sunset out on location shoots, finding little bursts of beauty along the way. This Monday, we are a little sore from digging in new garden beds that will serve as wonderful backdrops for portrait sittings.

What about you?  Are you hanging on to the weekend of yesterday, or forging ahead keeping your sense of humor, to see what this week will bring? Here’s hoping that Prof. Harold Hill was right all along about the “think” method.  We “think” this week will be the best ever!

The images above were taken in Columbia, MO during a Monday location hunt.  May they brighten your week as all of your positive remarks, shares, follows and likes have brightened ours.

Sunday in the Park

On a Sunday afternoon, we arranged to meet with Josh, Jamie and family for some fun family pictures. We were in town for the Missouri National Guard Association Conference, so we met at a local park.

When you are a child or a child at heart, what is more fun than climbing and swinging?

Thanks for letting us tag along!

Posts and Stones on the Miles of Life

This weekend we have been asked to shoot portraits at the 2012 Missouri Army National Guard Annual Conference banquet.  As recently retired military, we are proud to support and participate in functions such as this. Images forthcoming.

We are also sending out congratulations and “Thank Yous” to our own USMC PFC Curtis Bobka, who today graduated from his MOS School at Ft. Benning, GA.  He is on his way to his duty station.  We couldn’t be prouder.

Thank you to all those currently serving in the military, veterans, and their families for your service.

Working for the Weekend

Thursday has us aching for a weekend on the beach, sunsets included.  Peace.  Romance.  Serenity.

This image was taken at Oceanside Pier in Oceanside, CA.  It is a popular destination for residents and tourists alike.

We won’t be making it to the beach, as we were asked to a fun photo shoot in Springfield this weekend.  Stay tuned.

Reflections and Reality

Things aren’t always as they appear.It can take thought and reflection to figure things out.

And hopefully…

…a touch of whimsy.

Railroad Crossing at Bluffs

On our way up to the Chicago area to see family and do some portrait shooting recently, we were curious about a small town on our trail called Bluffs, located in western Illinois. Growing up in Illinois, we knew there weren’t many places owning bragging rights to anything resembling elevation.  This little settlement was nestled nicely along the south-eastern edge of the Illinois River, and there were actually bluffs.  The population of the community hovers around 750.  On the day we were there, not much was going on while walking around getting a feel for the local flavor of Bluffs.

There were some dilapidated old buildings on the main street. Sleepy’s looked sleepy. Rather like the rest of Bluffs.

As we walked along, there was a railroad crossing.

Trains have always been special to us.  The allure of playing on the tracks (forbidden to us growing up near the then Soo Line tracks) was too much, and we stopped to explore. Then all of a sudden; action!

Were we tempted to gain the attention of the engineer to blow the whistle?  Absolutely.

On the next track,  lonely cars stood in the sun, telling tales of adventures past.

Who climbed this ladder to the top? Train robbers? Hijackers? The train and adventure-loving minds of our childhood took over.

Uh-oh.  Was that a warning of impending doom, or a comment on past events? (Craig doesn’t look too worried.)

It may end here.

It sure was fun to let our imaginations take over and relive youth spent playing adventure games.

Bluffs, Illinois.  A nice place to stretch your legs on the way to Chicago.

Coming Soon: New Focus on Family Portraits

Check out our website at and Like our Clever Creek Studio Facebook Page.

Friend or Foe?

Innocently beautiful, violets and dandelions are the stuff of poems.  Four states in the U.S. name the violet as their state flower.  At least four sororities list the violet as their official flower. There have been serious, yet so far unsuccessful campaigns to name the dandelion as the official flower of several states.

They are intriguing camera subjects.  Their crisp colors and edges are interesting.  Children look especially darling when photographed amongst them.

Both the violet and the dandelion are culinary delights.

While dandelions and violets are great ingredients for delicious fare, and are fun to photograph and play amongst, they display innate leadership qualities by taking over in whatever area they grow.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Friend or foe?  For purposes of photography, we call them friends.  Should they even think about taking over our yard, perhaps not so much. What do you think? Feel free to comment below.

Blue Monday in Missouri

Monday is our favorite day here at Clever Creek Studio; at least that is what we keep telling ourselves. It is a fresh start to the week, and new opportunities lie ahead. Monday means there is enough time left in the week to get things checked off the task list.  Our current “to-dos” include finishing up some stunning family portraits shot over the weekend, and prepping for some upcoming weddings and events we have been asked to cover for some very special clients.

We look at Blue Monday as a chance to keep our cool.

May this Blue Monday bring you cool and endless possibilities.


As in nature; when two seemingly opposite entities work together, things generally turn out beautifully.  Had to photograph this butterfly visiting the feathery shrub.  Such a delicate contrast between the two.