Three Creeks State Forest

Before the last golden rays illuminate the festive and fiery forest…

…and in the quiet of afternoons spent wandering in the woods,

the last tinges of summer silently but powerfully fight for survival…

in vibrant shades of promise.

All images copyright 2012 Clever Creek Studio

The Garden Help

We are grateful for the help received in making our garden successful.Butterflies, bees and all their relatives are most welcome (mostly…)And although they are fairly solitary creatures,Every so often they work together.Which we find practically perfect.

A Little Birdie Told Me…

During this  morning’s check-out-the-new-garden coffee stroll, the echinacea was blooming.

I almost missed him underneath the plants…

He was playing possum. Really.

I see you, Robin Jr. !

I can see by your expression (and I know my bird expressions having worked with many bird models in the past),  that you are telling me me to go away.

So I did.

As Fresh As…….

As fresh as………

…the morning mist on tubeflowers.

…beads of moisture clinging to a vibrant geranium.

…a daisy.

Happy Sizzling Summer!

Stay cool by visiting clevercreekstudio.

Garden Of Love

We spent lots of time and effort working in our garden this Spring and it is starting to pay off. It’s a lot like our relationship, really. We bring our strengths to bear and help each other with our weaknesses. The result is something that feeds us; heart, body and soul. In the case of gardening, Monica is the brains and I am the back. She chose the flowers and plants and where they would go and I moved the heavy stuff where it needed to go. We have both tended to the garden almost daily. Here are some of the results:

The thing about a garden is, it’s never done. There are always details to tend to and improvements to be made to keep the garden healthy. Just like our relationship. We feel blessed to have our garden of love. We hope you enjoyed our efforts in the garden and with the camera.

Magic Monday through Rose-Colored Glasses

Every Monday, we struggle a little in adopting the proper attitude to energize and set the tone for the week.  One side pulls for energetic optimism while the other side clearly indicates the need for a catnap. Mondays are like budding plants, full of possibility and potential beauty.

In our experience, it has been much more difficult to dread the week ahead.  Monday is most often the day we spend the morning getting caught up in the studio and the afternoon/sunset out on location shoots, finding little bursts of beauty along the way. This Monday, we are a little sore from digging in new garden beds that will serve as wonderful backdrops for portrait sittings.

What about you?  Are you hanging on to the weekend of yesterday, or forging ahead keeping your sense of humor, to see what this week will bring? Here’s hoping that Prof. Harold Hill was right all along about the “think” method.  We “think” this week will be the best ever!

The images above were taken in Columbia, MO during a Monday location hunt.  May they brighten your week as all of your positive remarks, shares, follows and likes have brightened ours.

Friend or Foe?

Innocently beautiful, violets and dandelions are the stuff of poems.  Four states in the U.S. name the violet as their state flower.  At least four sororities list the violet as their official flower. There have been serious, yet so far unsuccessful campaigns to name the dandelion as the official flower of several states.

They are intriguing camera subjects.  Their crisp colors and edges are interesting.  Children look especially darling when photographed amongst them.

Both the violet and the dandelion are culinary delights.

While dandelions and violets are great ingredients for delicious fare, and are fun to photograph and play amongst, they display innate leadership qualities by taking over in whatever area they grow.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Friend or foe?  For purposes of photography, we call them friends.  Should they even think about taking over our yard, perhaps not so much. What do you think? Feel free to comment below.